The Sword & the Ring Publishing Company announces:
Dear Friends,
The monumental overturn of Roe v Wade has caused a definite shift for the better in the nation and the world. The following newsletter and attached news stories outline my involvement in this case and explains how evidence my research team and I discovered literally revealed the truth to the Court about the fraud perpetrated on SCOTUS and the American people. This deceit was accomplished through the “egregiously false” information given the court by journalist and NARAL founding Chairman Lawrence Lader. His input to the Court and their opinion was cited 17 times in the Roe 1973 decision.
Cyrill Means, Jr., attorney for NARAL, was also a colleague of Lawrence Lader at New York University (where they both professors). He volunteered to assist Justice Blackmun, directly advising the Justice and the Court on matters of law pro bono, just as he had done three years previously for the Supreme Court in New York when they legalized abortion. This was a blatant conflict of interest, as he and Lader had authored and deployed the original Roe argument before the court in 1970 and the re-argument in 1971. The Court and the entire Nation was duped by this wicked journalist and his complicit attorney friend!
My book, “Sacrifice: The Abortion Conspiracy”, unpacks the entire abortion scheme, which began with Margaret Sanger and her 1927 conference on Eugenics in Geneva Switzerland, and culminated in the mass carnage which was perpetrated by Roe v Wade for nearly 50 years.
I discovered the information to overturn Roe v Wade while I was researching for my doctoral dissertation, “The Abortion Rights Movement: The Persuasive Campaign For The Control Of Unborn Life” (2018).
After my dissertation was published, I continued the investigation, utilizing university-based grant funds and students/ research assistants. We discovered more than 20,000 pages of as yet unreleased primary source documents which proved out the 100-year plan forged in 1927 to take over the world via eugenic social engineering based in population control. The Dobbs decision halted that the forward motion of that egregious plan.
“Sacrifice” will be released April 7, 2023 on Good Friday, April 7, 2023. The follow up book, “Abomination: The Anti-Creation Coalition” will be available in late 2023. Updates will be issued monthly via newsletter (Issue 1 is attached). A podcast series will be launched shortly as well. We hope you will subscribe to both on http://www.lindaroyall.com
You may also reply to this text/email with “Subscribe” to be included in the distribution list for the newsletter and podcast series. If you want information on purchasing the book Sacrifice, please reply with “Book”.
May God bless you all!
In Pursuit of the Truth,
Linda Royall, PhD
The monumental overturn of Roe v Wade has caused a definite shift for the better in the nation and the world. The following newsletter and attached news stories outline my involvement in this case and explains how evidence my research team and I discovered literally revealed the truth to the Court about the fraud perpetrated on SCOTUS and the American people. This deceit was accomplished through the “egregiously false” information given the court by journalist and NARAL founding Chairman Lawrence Lader. His input to the Court and their opinion was cited 17 times in the Roe 1973 decision.
Cyrill Means, Jr., attorney for NARAL, was also a colleague of Lawrence Lader at New York University (where they both professors). He volunteered to assist Justice Blackmun, directly advising the Justice and the Court on matters of law pro bono, just as he had done three years previously for the Supreme Court in New York when they legalized abortion. This was a blatant conflict of interest, as he and Lader had authored and deployed the original Roe argument before the court in 1970 and the re-argument in 1971. The Court and the entire Nation was duped by this wicked journalist and his complicit attorney friend!
My book, “Sacrifice: The Abortion Conspiracy”, unpacks the entire abortion scheme, which began with Margaret Sanger and her 1927 conference on Eugenics in Geneva Switzerland, and culminated in the mass carnage which was perpetrated by Roe v Wade for nearly 50 years.
I discovered the information to overturn Roe v Wade while I was researching for my doctoral dissertation, “The Abortion Rights Movement: The Persuasive Campaign For The Control Of Unborn Life” (2018).
After my dissertation was published, I continued the investigation, utilizing university-based grant funds and students/ research assistants. We discovered more than 20,000 pages of as yet unreleased primary source documents which proved out the 100-year plan forged in 1927 to take over the world via eugenic social engineering based in population control. The Dobbs decision halted that the forward motion of that egregious plan.
“Sacrifice” will be released April 7, 2023 on Good Friday, April 7, 2023. The follow up book, “Abomination: The Anti-Creation Coalition” will be available in late 2023. Updates will be issued monthly via newsletter (Issue 1 is attached). A podcast series will be launched shortly as well. We hope you will subscribe to both on http://www.lindaroyall.com
You may also reply to this text/email with “Subscribe” to be included in the distribution list for the newsletter and podcast series. If you want information on purchasing the book Sacrifice, please reply with “Book”.
May God bless you all!
In Pursuit of the Truth,
Linda Royall, PhD